

"JACK"  from  Don't Take Candy From Strangers - EP

  • Lyrics

    I see the blade rising up higher

    It’s multiplied by your look of desire

    I’ll haunt your dreams as you light me on fire

    Fall breeze brushing the trees' leaves

    Painting a scene  for All Hallows’ Eve

    Jack is born 

    Next to a man made of corn

    I saw Jack sprout from a seed that bright, hopeful day

    He grew up right next to me in this field of pumpkins all scattered with hay

    Now the pumpkins here ain’t your normal carry home kind

    They grow bigger and brighter in such a short period of time

    Now every autumn it starts to get to be real dark 'round these parts

    Not cause of the sun mind you, but 'cause I know the fate of these pumpkins way in the back of my heart

    When that day finally comes  I think ole Jack will be alright 

    'cause he seems like he’s got spunk and that fighting spirit's fight

    I see the blade rising up higher

    It’s multiplied by your look of desire

    I’ll haunt your dreams as you light me on fire

    Rough winds blow every season 

    Taken from home and from kin

    Jack is strong

    Biggest pumpkin to have his own song 

    Now I always knew Jack was special but that doesn’t mean he’s some sort of a prize

    As they stood there and weighed him tears formed in my eyes 

    Before I knew it they had pulled up their truck and hauled him away 

    Now I did my best to keep an eye on that 4x4 'till it faded on down the highway

    It’s always tough having to say goodbye, but I knew this wasn’t the end for him

    I bet every straw in my cap, I’d get to say hi and see him again

    You see even though Jack’s about to get cut up and carved

    When he gets a fire in his belly he gets to be real, real charged

    I see the blade rising up higher

    It’s multiplied by your look of desire

    I’ll haunt your dreams as you light me on fire

    You see up till now most of y’all are prolly thinking Jack is somewhat of a has been

    Feeling mighty sorry for him the way he was plucked, like he’d committed some awful sin

    I suppose I should tell y’all bout the day I saw Jack once more

    It still haunts me the way his seeds and stems lay scattered across that hardwood floor

    That wasn’t all I saw that day, there was flesh in the corner, stacked up like a bouquet

    Now I loved that lantern like my own, shows what happens at the end of a rope, when you're taken from home

    I've been scared as a crow since I saw Jack covered  in blood, laughing all alone

    I'll never forget that smile on his face as his flame flickered, his heart still as stone

    I see the blade rising up higher

    It’s multiplied by your look of desire

    I’ll haunt your dreams as you light me on fire

  • Credits

    Music and Lyrics: Dylan Miller & Jacob Miller

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